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Bag of Holding (Giant)

Source Pathfinder #93: Forge of the Giant God pg. 31
Aura moderate conjuration; CL 9th
Slot none; Price 12,500 gp ( Type V), 15,000 gp ( Type VI); Weight 100 lbs.


This appears to be a rugged leather sack about 4 feet by 6 feet in size. It functions exactly the same as other types of bags of holding, but weighs more and has greater weight and volume limits, as shown on the table below.

BagBag WeightContents LimitContents Volume LimitMarket Price
Type V100 lbs.2,500 lbs.450 cubic ft.12,500 gp
Type VI150 lbs.4,000 lbs.800 cubic ft.15,000 gp

Because of the larger volume of a giant-sized bag of holding, retrieving a specific item from it is always a full-round action.

Type V and Type VI bags of holding are most commonly found in use by giants and other Large creatures, but giants of Huge size or larger sometimes use even greater bags of holding.


Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, secret chest; Cost 6,250 gp (Type V), 7,500 gp (Type VI)